It’s Time to Slay the Dragon

Entry 14 ()

’Bout time!

There wasn’t much left to do but grab the supplies I’d already gathered for the occasion – the usual combat essentials, plus some potions and a totem for good measure. I also upgraded Trueshot to perfection and decided to put my idle netherite ingot to use on my leggings. Steeling my nerves, I made for the stronghold, where I’d left one last eye of ender for the big day.

Standing in front of the incomplete end portal frame with an eye of ender in hand, the last one needed to open the portal.
Same view; the portal is now open with the frame complete.
Third‐person view of me ready to enter the portal and begin the fight.
Now or never.

This world’s End was generous with its spawn platform, burying it safely inside the island. Glad the fight didn’t have to start with bridge‐building.

Inside a box of end stone within the central island. A toast notifies “Advancement Made! The End?”
That’s a good sign, yeah?

It was generous with the end crystals, too – the caged ones were low enough to easily take out from underneath, and I even managed to get most of the others from the ground, only having to make the climb up one of the tallest pillars.

But I’m pretty sure those were just lucky shots, because I was downright abysmal at hitting the dragon herself after the crystals were down. Such a waste of that newly‐upgraded Power and Punch 😔

Trying and failing to hit the dragon from afar; she is still at nearly 100% health.
Trueshot”? More like how do i shot true amirite
Standing underneath the dragon slashing at her neck with a sword; she is down to about 60% health.
Once she came down to rest, things started going quicker…
Aiming a bow at the dragon once more; she is down to about 45% health.
…but then she took to the skies once more and it was back to futility and dodging for me.

After some more dancing and flooding away a couple endermen, opportunity came: She needed to rest again… and this time I remembered I’d brought a Strength potion along.

Slashing at the dragon’s neck once more from just behind a cloud of dragon’s breath; she is nearly down to zero health.
Just one more strike…


Looking up at the decaying ender dragon ascending into the sky as she releases rays of light. The “Free the End” advancement toast is just disappearing from the screen with only its icon still visible. And an angered enderman is looking directly at me.
Dangit. Too slow hitting F2 again; missed the toast.

Day 1,410: It took 47 game months, but we’ve made it. The End is freed!

Third‐person view of me standing in front of the exit portal; the dragon egg rests on top.
Obligatory victory shot with the dragon egg.

Ah, but there’s so much adventure still to see…

After enjoying the end poem and an hour of credits that I have since learned you can speed up, I found myself back home in Roam, having forgotten to hit the bed next to the end portal. This revealed a flaw in my railway setup: It really relies on always departing from the same station you last arrived at. I didn’t have a cart because mine was still at the stronghold, and even if I just used a new one to get there, the station would be blocked and I’d just bounce off it and back up the line.

Oh well; with any luck, soon there’ll be plenty of room in the ender chest to just always stash the cart there after use. I regeared and walked back down the track – being very careful not to fall descending the ramp – and returned to the End to look for our first gateway. Locating it off to the northwest, I towered up and made a platform to crawl through from.

I also stashed nearly all my stuff in the ender chest. Really not a fan of void bridging.

Third‐person view of me on a small platform of wooden slabs around the end gateway, wearing a carved pumpkin but no armor.
Hopefully this would cut down on any distractions. (−58 W / −76 N), camera looking east.
Pumpkin‐obscured view down into the void from the edge of some end stone. A toast notifies “Advancement Made! Remote Getaway”.
And we’re through!

The End was not as generous with this gateway as it was with the spawn platform, dropping me on the very edge of one of the small islands. But hey, that’s what the ender chest precautions were for, after all. Head pumpkined and butthole clenched, I began slabbing my way across the void towards a larger island in the distance.

Pumpkin‐obscured view of a narrow slab bridge leading back to the distant end gateway amid numerous small islands.
Made it safely over the first gap to a larger island… (−664 W / −1,008 N), looking south.

I continued north, but didn’t make it far before running out of terrain. It didn’t look like there was much to the east, either, so I turned west – and soon saw land’s end there, too. But beyond that

Pumpkin‐obscured view of a distant end city only beginning to render in, most of it in silhouette and barely visible against the void.
A city! And a decently sized one, too. (−866 W / −1,307 N), looking west.
Pumpkin‐obscured view with the city now clearly visible through the right eye.
Once across the next gap, there was even better news: This city had a ship! Hopefully the night would end with a pair of wings… (−986 W / −1,285 N), looking west.
Pumpkin‐obscured view approaching the city on the right; another, smaller city is beginning to render in to the left.
Nearing the end of that island and preparing to bridge again, a second city came into view. Yes! (−1,034 W / −1,242 N), looking southwest.
A closer but still pumpkin‐obscured view of the city from one island away. The city appears to be very close to the edge of its island, perhaps even over the void.
One gap left to cross… and this one was a bit more worrying. Turns out the city’s island was pretty small. I had to hope I wouldn’t come under shulker fire before I could make it across and armor up. (−1,168 W / −1,192 N), looking southwest.

Thankfully, no shulkers were close enough to take notice, and I could take my time digging through the ender chest to regear.

Looking up at the city from below, view no longer obscured, sword and shield in hand.
Gonna be smelling pumpkin for days after this. (−1,213 W / −1,191 N), looking southwest.

Didn’t even make it to the front door without getting levitated.

Blocking a shulker bullet outside the city with another bullet having already hit and a couple more on the way.
Up we go…
Looking down on the roof of part of the city. A toast notifies “The City at the End of the Game”.
…yeah, it took a little time to actually get back to the front door.

The first few rounds climbing the towers actually went pretty smooth, and it wasn’t too long before I’d cleared the way to the dock.

Reaching the ship would mean crossing over the void, so I downed a Feather Falling potion and got to bridging.

And that was the hardest part of the pirating, really. These ships are honestly kind of anticlimactic – hiding arguably the most game‐changing item in Minecraft behind basically no defenses other than a whole three of the exact same shulkers that guard the rest of the city… two of which can often be taken out at a distance anyway.

Still, that didn’t make the treasure any less sweet.

Treasure area of the end ship with two chests and, in an item frame, a pair of elytra.
The item frame is now empty and a toast notifies “Goal Reached! Sky’s the Limit”.

Tasting dessert would have to wait, though, as I wasn’t even halfway through the city. Without so much as trying them on, I put the elytra away in the ender chest and got back to pillaging, loading up on as many shulker shells as I could.

Looking down from a high vantage point in the city. A trail of torches and narrow bridges zigzags between islands far into the distance.
One of the towers offered a chance to look back on where I’d come from. (−1,243 W / −1,199 N), looking east.

The rest of the raid wasn’t all smooth sailing. Towards the end of the night, I found myself absolutely under assault trying to scale a large tower. I had the brilliant idea to just ender pearl up to the top so I could recover and work my way back down – but I glitched through the ceiling and… just kept going. I held onto the totem just in case, because it was a long way down once the Levitation ran out and I’d already used my only Feather Falling potion taking the ship.

Looking straight down at the end city and edge of the island from quite high up.
The shulkers got me high.

Finished up in the city, I decided to pack up and return to the Overworld, leaving the second city for another trip. But there was one more thing to grab before jumping through the portal…

Pumpkin‐obscured view inside a narrow trench on the central island. A toast notifies “Goal Reached! The Next Generation”.

Safely back at home, I looked over the night’s spoils.

A shulker box containing two each of diamond helmets, leggings, and swords, all enchanted; along with a saddle, 21 shulker shells, 32 iron ingots, five chests, two Instant Health potions, six diamonds, an enchanted iron pick, 12 gold ingots, a brewing stand, a pair of elytra, a dragon head, an item frame, three emeralds, a set of diamond horse armor, and an ender chest. Additionally in my inventory are a chorus flower, 17 chorus fruit, and the dragon egg.
11 shulker boxes is enough to get started with, yeah?

I wanted to test out the elytra, but those things are pretty fragile and I wanted to get them protected first. Mending was simple to add, compliments of my Mending guy in Intersylva, but I was fresh out of Unbreaking books. One afternoon of fishing and enchanting later, I warned myself, “Careful Icarus..

Third‐person view from behind of me flying high above Roam.
Third‐person view from behind of me flying even higher above Roam.

I did make one more trip back into the End – to do a little mapping and also check out that second city near the first one.

It was unimpressive.

Aerial view of the second end city. It consists only of a single small tower atop the entrance, and its island is small as well.
The only loot was a single shulker shell, but at least that gave me an even number and brought my box total to a dozen.

Then, on the way out again, I ran into some trouble. At the outer gateway, I built up a platform with a ladder and trapdoor to match the one at the inner gateway. (I really hadn’t felt like bothering after the big city raid, so I just ender pearled back through the first time.) Coming through this time, I glitched into the bedrock and started suffocating! I couldn’t move, and ender pearls weren’t working either – I had to resort to turning cheats on and escaping via spectator mode.

I retried a few times and consistently got stuck and suffocated every single time coming back. I assume it has to do with crawling, and I speculate it also has to do with the southeast rule (we’ve had no trouble with the trapdoor method on my friend’s server). But I didn’t want to spend a bunch of time experimenting, so I just moved the platforms away from the gateways and reverted to using ender pearls for now.

Anyway, once I got home I made sure to put the trophies on display, proudly above the jukebox.

View of the living room from the sofa. Straight ahead, to the right of the fireplace, are a jukebox and barrel. The dragon egg rests on the barrel and a dragon head is mounted on the wall above.

So what’s next? Good question. More exploring for sure, but specifically…? I’ve got that ocean explorer map to follow, and there’s plenty of uncharted territory inside the Halo, but I’d also love to see more of the Halo itself and the new stuff beyond… all solid choices! And now that I can better survey the world from above, I’d like to do some more building, and particularly to challenge myself to go for form over function.

First, though, I’ll be stepping away for a bit. I’ve averaged over an hour a day since I started playing this world ten months ago (to the day, actually, as of this post) – and that’s just play time, not even including the time spent generating it and putting it together, nor repairing it a few times, let alone working on this stupid thing… and while that’s not exactly an unhealthy, glued‐to‐the‐screen number or anything, it is a lot for me personally – especially for just one world on one game! Usually I kind of just drift from interest to interest and don’t fixate on any one of them for more than a few weeks, if that.

Probably making this site a project as I (re)learn to code has helped it stick. But I do have other projects I want to work on, and I’m starting to move focus from HTML/CSS to actual programming, which is less applicable here since I don’t exactly want to load this place up with unnecessary JS. Anyway, it will probably be longer than usual until the next update, and that update probably won’t offer much in the way of content. I’ve got some cleanup to do now that I actually sorta know what I’m doing.

Until next time!