A Moment of Zen Minecrafting While We Wait…

Entry 10 ()

Well, the wait continues for OptiFine to update for 1.19, and since I’ve only played a little bit of Minecraft recently there’s just not much to report on. (Real life continues to rear its head. Also Celeste was on sale for $4.99.) I have done a bit more around the site here, mostly minor styling tweaks and the addition of those very Web 1.0 buttons down in the footer, one of which I even made myself. (There’s also a silly little seecret to discover if you know where to look.) I’m a lot happier with the network diagram for the Nether hub, too; it’s more compact and readable, plus now comes with an expandable legend.

That’s not to say I’ve done nothing in‐game. I finally spent some more time down in Intersylva making a few improvements to the village. It’s not done by a long shot, but it’s a step up.

Overview of Intersylva.
Some of the paths have been regraded to remove the need for jumping. All farms are now better lit and have had their composters moved to avoid future trampling, with affected patches once again tilled. The Nether portal now features a full shelter as well, complete with a path into town. (−2,271 W / +1,537 S), looking northeast.

Long ago, I had noticed there was a farmer who never seemed to make it to bed come sundown, so on another visit I’d brought them a bed. But, uh…

An unemployed villager in Intersylva.
Well, it’s happened again. 8.3% jump in the unemployment rate right here. (−2,278 W / +1,537 S), looking north.

I don’t think this is due to having a bed at the shelter? That one should be far enough away that it’s not considered part of the village, and even the farmer working at the east end of town shouldn’t be close enough to detect it. Hrm. I’ll have to go back and count beds, I guess.

But what to do with this villager now that they’re all growed up and looking for work? I know I said I want a cartographer, but the idea was to find another village and recruit one there… hrm indeed.

Well… I have also wanted to start an iron works closer to home…